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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tips to Maintain Overcoming Stress of too many jobs

You may feel heavy at this time when the need to leave work. Sometimes we feel lazy to do the work that we have become our routine. We have to realize, sometimes we feel that work is not fun. Imagine the work that we do not have the utmost we can create a headache and even make us so stressful.
We as humans must work to get what we want. Because of this work is that we can not avoid. But we must also always remember that the health body and mind we must always guard us. Do not leave all of that disrupt your body's health both physical and spiritual.

Here are some tips to reduce the burden on the mind when you work, so hopefully can avoid stress

Define Priorities
Often we have to accumulate the work we completed. Many jobs that we must finish at once, then you must determine where the work must be completed first, so that your concentration is not disturbed, so that the work so more slowly.

Stop complain
Words the most easy when we face difficulties in the work is complain. Akan even complain when we make the more depressed and we do not solve the problem. Keep thinking positive, it only as a means to learn, or think about things that interest, for example, when you receive a salary

Eat nutritious food
Food is the source of energy for us. Akan but try to select nutritious foods that can support your activities. Try to eat enough fruit fruit

Stay rileks Rest and adequate
As much as any work for you, do not forget the rest. Use your break time to sleep at least 15 minutes. That will make your body more fresh.

At home time
Return when the work you have done. This will make you have more time to relax with your family, so that the body will remain healthy and fresh

Search Other Jobs
The last thing you might do if you feel weight when you work with is looking for another job. It is not easy to do, but this is one way to reduce the burden on our minds that we may not be healthy


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