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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lowered blood vessel constriction sexual ability!

Are you brave? Are you a man of great in terms of sexual? In the case of this capability is very important, many who must be guarded by the male.
Please note bahwasannya aged men who usually go to a situation called andropause. This is where the production of testosteron reduced. The blood sugar level can cause constriction of blood vessel and nerve damage, including the blood vessel to the reproductive area. This is a cause interference ereksi function.

High blood pressure causes blood vessel walls to become rigid, so that the long run akan narrow vessel lumen. Genesis is not only in the heart or brain vessel, but also in the genital. As a result, blood flow to the genital reduced. Interference ereksi also it is very possible.

Cholesterol is constantly buried in a blood vessel caused mengerasnya and menyempitnya vein. Constriction in the penis caused difficulties ereksi. Parkinson, diabetes, stroke, can cause a decrease of nerve function. As a result, decreased neurotransmitter activity and reduce excitatory nerve. There ereksi interference. Of direct trauma on the self-destructive akan korpus kavernosum, nerve, blood vessel and eventually cause the interference ereksi.

Stress due to either physical or psychological well-off and prevent exhausting mental work neurotransmitter, so it does not happen rileksasi smooth muscle. As a result, ereksi disrupted. Chronic infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis caused retrogression of neurotransmitter and a decrease of estrogen level and cause a decrease in Libido. Stimulant drugs, drug addict, and penurun some blood pressure medications can also disrupt the ability ereksi.Merokok things that need to be dissociated than tuberculosis could trigger cancer, also constrict the blood vessel.

So the conclusion dala m this case, the man must keep penyempitkan of a blood vessel, this is the most primary of a decreased sexual ability

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