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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Breast Lift / Mastopexy

Breast lifts / Mastopexy is a Breast enhancement procedures which means to improve breasts that are sagging and appear to have lost volume in the upper pole of the breast

The breast lift procedure creates an enhanced posture by reducing the size of the skin envelope.

Breast lifts are performed because of breast droopiness, sagginess, elasticity loss and to improve displeasing breast shape

Woman Breast droop is brought on by the combination of several factors, such as :

1. Large breast size

2. Aging

3. Lack of bra support

4. Pregnancy

5. Weight loss

Each of these factors causes stretching of the breast skin, and thus the breast droops or sags, also called ptosis of the breast.

Breast lifts surgery / mastopexy surgery can also be combined with breast implant or Breast Augmentation surgery if your breasts have lost volume in addition to becoming saggy. This condition is common after pregnancy and breastfeeding, but can also result from aging.

Women have breast lifts for many specific reasons :
1. Breasts have begun to sag over time
2. Breasts droop after pregnancy or breastfeeding
3. Clothes do not fit properly
4. Bras are uncomfortable
5. Lack of cleavage
6. Wish for perkier breasts
7. Desire for better breast contour and profile
8. Wish to feel sexier and more feminine
9. Improved self-esteem and confidence

For women with uncomfortably large breasts who are considering Breast Reduction , a Breast Lift procedures may be included to improve profile as well as reduce the size of the breasts.

Like another cosmetic surgery procedures, before deciding to have breast lift, search as many information as possible such as the Breast lift procedures , breast lift risks , Including information from the surgeon about the side effect for women's health , and find the person who ever done this breast surgery .


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