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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Drinking Milk To Lower Risk Breast Cancer

Milk benefit is not doubt. Almost all vitamin found in good quality milk. Protein and fat have high digested. Gynecology milk vitamins and minerals is relatively complete.

Milk can be consumed in various forms. There are fresh or have in the form of terolah, such as milk powder or condensed milk sweet. Humans also consume milk from food products containing milk, such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.

However, there is still difference of opinion about this susu. There are groups that consume milk every day is not good for health, especially vaskular disease such as blood vessel constriction. Some argument said milk increase blood cholesterol level is a Heart Disease risk factors. Second, the positive relationship between production susu average per capita income with death due to heart disease in some countries.

Other groups supporting role milk on risk reduction degeneratif various diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. Latest research in Norway supports it.

Hjartäker together with colleagues from the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Norway, through their announcement the International Journal of Cancer, shows that consuming three or more glasses of milk every day can reduce the risk of Breast Cancer in affected women pramenopause.

Through research kohort the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study, they examine the 48,844 women for six years and two months. Milk consumption was measured with a food consumption history form to the respondent. During this period, the team Hjartäker find 317 cases of breast cancer.

In fact consumption milk since childhood negatively associated with breast cancer occurrence at the time they are aged 34-39 years (pramenopause). That means that cosuming milk since infancy can reduce the risk of breast cancer affected.

Milk consumption in the adult also decrease the risk of breast cancer after corrected by hormonal factors, body mass index, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Women who do not drink milk the affected breast cancer risk 2 times greater than women who consume 3 milk glass or more every day.


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